“Garden of Fixes” is a visual and spacial experiment on remediations (and art). As climate emergency gets more space and loudness in our daily lives, media and culture, we are forced to feel responsible and to respond to several forms of crisis. Garden of Fixes plays with the failure of our governments to act, as well as, the role of ourselves - art makers and consumers -, art forms and art institutions as catalysts for social change. Amidst the current hypercomplex economic- techno-social web, the art world seems to play the same role in proppelling capitalism and perpetuating the structures that have made the wounds in our Earth in the first place, acting as superficial fixes in our urban context. Everything is coated green now.
The installation and works presented are a collection of playfull experiments on those ideas of fixing. Old artworks, materials and traditional mediums are recycled and actuallized as a practice of transformation, adaptation and renew.

Solo Exhibition at Galeria DENTRO, Porto.
Lots of Love to Beatriz Bizarro and Carlos Campos

All photos bt Carlos Campos.

Dried sunflowers,  lights and fan.